Worst Case Congress

images-1Few could have been surprised when, following the finale of The Fiscal Cliff Follies, a survey revealed that We the People hold the 112th Congress in low esteem. Lower, that is, than cockroaches, colonoscopies, used-car salesmen, Nickelback, Donald Trump, traffic jams and head lice, among other delights.

Even Brussels sprouts fared better than our be-hated bicameral legislature. Brussels sprouts! Second only to Lima beans as the most feared vegetable a kid can face on grandma’s holiday table. There they are, scattered on the platter like a miniature minefield between you and the pumpkin pie. Still, those malevolent micro-cabbages clobbered congress in a direct comparison, earning an approval rating that tripled the legislative branch’s shamefully puny percentage.

What, according to Public Policy Polling, could we possibly hold in lower regard than the house and senate? Telemarketers, John Edwards, the Kardashians, communism, lobbyists, North Korea, Fidel Castro, the Ebola virus, playground bullies, Lindsey Lohan, meth labs, communism and gonorrhea.

In short, there’s only one way things could be worse:

BrussellsSenate Majority Leader Lindsey Lohan and Speaker of the House Kim Kardashian take the advice of lobbyist Fidel Castro and enact legislation declaring the United States a communist country. New, government-owned meth labs fund the costly transition to a Marxist economy. Playground bullies are hired as telemarketers, calling all of us at home   during dinner to spread the news. Finally, John Edwards and a cadre of North Korean bioweapons experts knock on the front door, offering you the choice of the Ebola virus or an STD.

Please pass the Brussels sprouts.

(Sadly, all of the poll results mentioned above are real. You can click on the link below to see the complete Public Policy Poll congressional approval survey results.)

